Water Softener

How Do I Choose The Right Size Water Softener?

Home water does not only contain H2O. The water quality also depends on whether you are getting it from a private well or a municipality. Usually, you will get hard water from these two sources. 

The ‘hardness’ in water comes from the minerals in it. The most common minerals that you will find in water are magnesium and calcium. Groundwater dissolves metals like iron and rocks such as limestone, because of which the minerals enter the water. The water that reaches your home contains the remnants of these materials. 

More than 85 percent of households in America have hard water. You can use a water softener to remove the hardness in water. A larger water softener system cost involved depends on the type of system you want. Without a water softener, hard water will cause the following problems:


Funny Smelling And Tasting Water


Your water has a conditioning problem if it smells and tastes strange. This could be because your water is hard or has a kind of bacterial contaminant. If your water has too much iron, it will have an unpleasant metallic taste. Sulfates formed from the reaction of magnesium and certain bacteria or hydrogen sulfide gas can give your water the odor of rotten eggs. Old pipes, algae, or sediment can make your water taste like dirt. Algal blooms are often responsible for the moldy aftertaste of tap water at certain places. 


Plumbing Issues


Over time, your appliances, pipes, and fixtures will start having mineral build-up in them if you use hard water. Even if this build-up is not visible, it can cause numerous plumbing problems for you. There will be increased stress on your fixtures and pipes which will lead to reduced water flow. Your appliances will wear down faster and operate inefficiently. For instance, mineral scale build-up in both water and tank has to be heated by the water heater. You will need to get your appliances frequently repaired because of hard water. 

Also read: Self-Cleaning Water Heater | Pros and Cons of Self Cleaning Water Heater


Faded Laundry


Your laundry detergent’s effectiveness is compromised when its chemicals react with minerals like calcium and iron present in hard water. As a result, the colors of your clothes will wear out prematurely. The small rusty and chalky stains left on your clothes are due to hard water. It can also make your fabric feel scratchy and itchy and your towels rough. If you wash the undergarments in hard water, they may appear dingy. You will have to use a special detergent that can soften water while doing your laundry. Additionally, you will need to use hot water and more detergent to clean your clothes properly. 


Dirty Dishes


Hard water can be the cause behind your dishes looking dirty. You might mistake the streaks, dirt, or specks on your washed water glasses and plates as leftover food. It is actually a combination of mineral deposits and soap called ‘curd’ formed due to hard water.


Tubs That Are Difficult To Clean


You need to clean your sink or tub regularly to get rid of soap scum. However, if you use hard water, you will also find limescale deposits in your tub that you cannot clean easily. 


Skin Issues And Dull Hair


If you bathe in hard water, your skin will get itchy and dry due to the soap and mineral deposits that it leaves behind. Your hair will also lose its natural shine as these deposits build-up on the scalp. Hard water can also dry out your hair shafts by blocking moisture. Rinsing longer or using more shampoo will only worsen these issues.


What Are Water Softeners?


A water softener system removes magnesium and calcium ions that harden the water and replace them with sodium ions. Water softeners will prolong your appliances’ lives and make it easier for you to do laundry and clean your bathroom and home. 


What Size To Select?


Water softeners are of various styles and sizes to accommodate different family and home sizes. You can install the softener in your garage, utility closet, or basement. 

To determine the water softener size suitable for your family, multiply the number of family members who live with you by their daily water usage. On average, a person uses 80 gallons of water every day. To arrive at the number of grains you need to remove daily, multiply your water’s grains of hardness by the number you have previously obtained. Visit https://waterfilterguru.com/water-softener-system-cost/ to know about the cost of different water softener systems.