toilet flush running

How To Fix A Running Toilet Without A Flapper | Canister Style Flush Valve

Are you wondering how you can fix your running toilet without a flapper? In this article you will be provided with some unique ways on how to fix a running toilet without a flapper. However, before we go further, let’s quickly take a look at the components involve in making a toilet work. A running toilet is a common household issues that can be resolved without the help of a professional plumber.

In order to tackle this issue yourself, first you should have a general understanding of the makeup of your toilet. If you have never removed the lid from the back of your toilet and looked at the parts inside, start here.  Flush your toilet a couple times and watch how everything works.

Toilets may be a little different, but they all have the same main parts: a flapper, valve and float, fill tube and overflow tube. You will notice that once you have pressed the handle, a chain will be pulled that pulls the flapper up. This allows the water in the tank to exit through the opening and fill the bowl.

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The flapper closes as the water level decreases. While the water is draining, the float also drops with it. The float works with the valve. As the float drops, the valve lets more water in through the fill tube that refills drops the  tank. Once the float has reached the appropriate level again, the valves stops letting water in. The overflow tube is the component that lets water out if the levels are too high.

The following is a list possible ways to fix a toilet without a flapper:

Step 1: Open The Toilet Cover And Check Inside

The first thing you will do is to put a towel in a safest place that will not entangle you. Having done that, hold the porcelain lid with your tow hands and lift. Put  the lid on a linen pad to avoid any collision. The toilet cover should be handle with care and place it in a safe place. The reason is it’s made of heavy and fragile material.

Step 2: Lock The Pippin To The Toilet

Having followed the first step, the next thing to do is to lock the water supply pipe for the toilet. After that, remove the needle to be empty the tank. The reason is to prevent water from entering the tank while you are repairing the tank.

As I said earlier, the drain valve is a round rubber which is stopping and preventing water coming from the water tank in the toilet. You will notice that, when you pour water, the leash will pull the rubber cover up so that clean water pours into tank. The most common cause of watery water toilet problems is simply inadequate drainage.

You see, the thing that causes water to flow down the toilet continuously through exhaust valve, which cause serious damage to the living water as well as living expenses, is when the toilet drain valve does not retain water in the tank.

Step 3: Clean The Drain Valve

Another thing to do here is clean the drain valve. Sludge in the water can cling to the exhaust valve, which cannot lose the valve and water flowing continuously to clean the drain valve. Soak it in the vinegar bowl for about 25-30 minutes, then you use an old toothbrush to rub the dirt on it.

Now, when the exhaust valve is clean, place it back in place. the hook on the hinge on the overflow pipe goes in the drain valve. After that, turn on the water so the tank is fully filled.

Step 4: The Ballcock Valve

The other suspect that might keep your toilet running is the ballcock valve and the float. Usually this is adjusted correctly when the toilet is installed but it is possible that the float is not rising high enough to shut the ballcock valve. If the water is running down the overflow tube then this is an indication that  the ballcock valve is not shutting.

If you add food coloring to the water in the tank and you do not see a change in the color of the water in the tank after waiting a few hours then it is probably the ballcock valve that is not working correctly.

To correct this, you may see adjusting screws on the top of the ballcock valve connected to a rod that holds the float. You want to lower the float so it shuts the valve sooner as the water rises.  Sometimes bending the rod a bit to lower the float also works. You should also check to make sure that your float is actually floating.

 Step 5: Adjust The Chain Level If Necessary

If you check the length of the connection and is too long or too short, the exhaust valve will not work as it should work. If the chain is too short, the valve will always open when it is not needed and he water rinses in the tank continuously. But if the chain is too long, the valve cover will not pulled up when you remove it, and water cannot drain. If the chain is too tight, try removing the hook lever to the lever, moving it over one or two steps.

Ifat moderate length, hook it back into the chain and the lever. But If the chain is too long, try to use a metal cutting plier to cut off the top of the chain. After, proper adjustment, hook it back into the toilet lever.

If there’s too much tension on the chain, remove the hook attaching the chain to the flush lever. Move the hook up 1 or 2 links until the chain has more slack. Reattach the hook to the flush lever. But if the chain is so long that it can get caught under the valve, use a pair of wire cutters to trim a few links from the top of the chain.

Steps 6: Adjust The Fill Height By Checking The Float

The water level in the tank is controlled by an adjustable float. A float that’s set too low will leads to a weak flush. If it’s set too high, water spills intothe toilet overflow tube and the fill valve won’t shut off. This will make the toilet keeps running.

If you want to learn how to fix a toilet that won’t flush, look for the fill level mark on the inside back of the tank and mark it on the toilet overflow tube so you can see it more easily. But if you check and you can’t find it, simply measure about 1 inch on the overflow tube and make a mark.

Steps 7: Adjust The Water Level

The next most common cause of a running toilet is the water level. When the water level is too high, water will constantly drain into the overflow tube. Be sure to fix this problem as soon as possible to prevent water from spilling out onto the floor causing major water damage if the toilet gets clogged.

-with the water running and the tank full, look at the overflow tube. This is an open tube in the middle of the tank that connects the tank and the toilet bowl.

– Check to see if water keeps draining into the tube. If that’s happening, you can adjust the water level by lowering the float.

In conclusion: On top of the fill valve, there will be a screw attaching the float arm to the fill valve. When you turn this screw, you can adjust the height of the float. With a screwdriver, turn the screw a quarter turn counterclockwise to lower the float.

Then flush the toilet and see if the water reaches and stops at that mark. If not and the toilet keeps running, adjust the toilet tank float up or down. If you have an old toilet, you will have to bend the brass rod that connects to the float ball to make adjustments. But with newer toilets, you usually turn a screw or slide a clip along a rod.

Flush the toilet after each adjustment. Keep adjusting the float until the water shuts off at the proper level.

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